Our Services

Local SEO Packages

Starter Package

top business directories

Advanced Package

Premium Packagebest value!

PremiumPlus Package

PremiumPlus & Website Package

ERRORS IN BUSINESS LISTING DETAILS: If your business listing has errors (e.g. wrong address, wrong business name associated with address, wrong phone number, duplicate listings, etc.) they will need to be corrected. Errors in a business listing can, and often does, result in the search engines penalizing the business's search rankings. It's important that the name, address, and phone number be consistent across the web.

Better Business Listing charges an extra $175 to fix any errors your business listing may have, because errors across a large number of directories can be time consuming to fix. If a business listing has a simple error that takes very little time to fix, Better Business Listing wil not charge an extra fee.

Ongoing Monthly Local SEO

Some small businesses are in industries or markets where getting ranked on the first page is incredibly competitive. For example, larger market places where there is a very large population (i.e. metropolitan areas, including their surrounding suburbs).  In these situations it might become necessary for the small business owner to pay for monthly Local SEO services.  Better Business Listing can help you evaluate if this monthly service is necessary.  The cost of the monthly service starts at $200 per month. Contact Better Business Listing for more details.

Which Package to Choose?

It depends on several factors: your industry; the competitive nature of the keywords your business want to rank for; whether you have a website; your budget; and your desire to get ranked as high as possible.  The more expensive packages (premium) are going to offer more optimization for your business.  The premium plus package is ideal because it offers SEO on both your business listing and website.  Local SEO takes work and time, which is why Better Business Listing offers a variety of packages—to meet the marketing needs of the small business owner and their budget.

Better Business Listing will not try to oversell you a package.  If the starter package is all it's going to take to get your business listing ranked on the first page of Google Maps, then that's what we'll recommend.  If you have paid for a lesser package but still want to improve upon your ranking, you can always upgrade to a more expensive package and pay the difference in the one-time set up fee (the upgrade has to be within a 6 month timeframe).  If you want to work out an hourly type of set up, Better Business Listing will work with you and your budget.

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